Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cross Country 2009 - Girls
Many people think about cross country as a bunch of people getting together and going for a run. It's true, we do run, but we do much more than that. Our weeks usually consist of a "tempo distance run", where we go on a longer, but faster run. One night we have intervals (our hard nights), which truly takes a lot of mental toughness to get through. On Wednesdays we swin. We do a workout in the pool to kind of rest, but still work out after our hard nights. One night we put ourselves through pain, by choice, and run hard in a cross country meet. The other night during our week, we usually have a "loosening" night where we go on an easy run. Twise a week we also lift weights and do abs every night. For those of us on the girls team, we do have fun while working hard.

Courtesy of Hannah Dvorak

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