Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Players of the Week
Well...It's time for the second round of the "Player of the Week" award. The coaches were all ready with their answer when i asked them, so it seems like they performed well in their respective sports.

Katie Dvorak is the representative from Volleyball. Katie is a sophmore and is starting for the Tigers.

1. What is your favorite food? Green Olives
2. Favorite drink? Raspberry Lemonade
3. Favorite movie/TV show? She's the Man
4. Favorite sond/artist? I don't really have one, but I like country
5. Favorite sports team? I don't really have one
6. Favorite athlete? Michael Phelps
7. Favorite sports memory? I don't have one
8. Who's in your family? Mom, Dad, Brother: Noah, Sisters: Hannah & Tessa, Step-Mom
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Having fun
10. What are your future goals? College

The next round of Cross Country runners are Brandon Skelding and Wehonna Toth

Brandon Skelding is a junior this year

1. What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter
2. Favorite drink? Gatorade Tiger
3. Favorite movie/TV show? Ninja Warrior
4. Favorite song/artist? "Fear" by Drake
5. Favorite sports team? Detroit Red Wings
6. Favorite athlete? Tiger Woods
7. Favorite sports memory? I don't have one yet
8. Who’s in your family? - Mom: Melissa, Dad: Mike, Brother: Caden, Sister: Delaney
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Getting to know other people from different schools

10. What are your future goals? Make it to state in Cross Country and the 3200 in Track. Also run in college.

On the girls side is Wehonna Toth, she is a sophmore this year

1. What is your favorite food? Macaroni & Cheese
2. Favorite drink? Pineapple Juice
3. Favorite movie/TV show? August Rush
4. Favorite song/artist? Jack Johnson
5. Favorite sports team? Milwaukee Brewers
6. Favorite athlete? Ryan Braun
7. Favorite sports memory? Running at the Badger State games
8. Who’s in your family? - Mom, Dad, & Golden Retiever: Sunshine
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Being with the other team members
10. What are your future goals? College

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