Friday, October 2, 2009

Coulee Conference Scores Update

Thursday, 10-1-2009
BRF lost in West Salem, 3-0

Saturday, 10-3-2009
Portage beat BRF, 2-0
Madison West beat BRF, 2-0
Stoughton beat BRF, 2-0
BRF beat Brodhead, 2-0

Tuesday, 10-6-2009
West Salem @ Viroqua
Arcadia @ GET

Thursday, 10-8-2009
BRF @ Arcadia

Friday, October 2, 2009
BRF won in Arcadia, 6-0
Viroqua lost at GET, 41-0
Westby lost in West Salem, 28-0

Cross Country
Tuesday, 10-6-2009
BRF Inite
(includes Westby, Luther, Adams-Friendship, Blair-Taylor, Durand, Eleva-Strum, Ellsworth, Nekoosa, Osseo-Fairchild, Whitehall, Mondovi, Mauston, Lincoln, Kickapoo, Loyal, Neilsville, Reedsburg)
Starts at 4:30 PM

Saturday, 10-10-2009
BRF @ Wisconsin Dells
Starts at 10:00 AM

Coulee Conference Standings Update

1. West Salem Panthers (16-1, 9-0)
2. Arcadia Raiders (9-3, 7-1)
3. Onalaska Luther Knights (4-7, 4-4)
T4. Westby Norsemen (9-10, 3-6)
T4. Viroqua Blackhawks (5-11, 3-6)
6. GET Redmen (4-8, 2-7)
7. BRF Tigers (3-8, 2-7)

T1. Black River Falls Tigers (6-0, 2-0)
T1. GET Redmen (5-1, 2-0)
T2. Arcadia Raiders (5-1, 1-1)
T2. West Salem Panthers (3-3, 1-1)
T3. Westby Norsemen (3-3, 0-2)
T3. Viroqua Blackhawks (3-3, 0-2)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Players of the Week
Well...It's time for the second round of the "Player of the Week" award. The coaches were all ready with their answer when i asked them, so it seems like they performed well in their respective sports.

Katie Dvorak is the representative from Volleyball. Katie is a sophmore and is starting for the Tigers.

1. What is your favorite food? Green Olives
2. Favorite drink? Raspberry Lemonade
3. Favorite movie/TV show? She's the Man
4. Favorite sond/artist? I don't really have one, but I like country
5. Favorite sports team? I don't really have one
6. Favorite athlete? Michael Phelps
7. Favorite sports memory? I don't have one
8. Who's in your family? Mom, Dad, Brother: Noah, Sisters: Hannah & Tessa, Step-Mom
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Having fun
10. What are your future goals? College

The next round of Cross Country runners are Brandon Skelding and Wehonna Toth

Brandon Skelding is a junior this year

1. What is your favorite food? Peanut Butter
2. Favorite drink? Gatorade Tiger
3. Favorite movie/TV show? Ninja Warrior
4. Favorite song/artist? "Fear" by Drake
5. Favorite sports team? Detroit Red Wings
6. Favorite athlete? Tiger Woods
7. Favorite sports memory? I don't have one yet
8. Who’s in your family? - Mom: Melissa, Dad: Mike, Brother: Caden, Sister: Delaney
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Getting to know other people from different schools

10. What are your future goals? Make it to state in Cross Country and the 3200 in Track. Also run in college.

On the girls side is Wehonna Toth, she is a sophmore this year

1. What is your favorite food? Macaroni & Cheese
2. Favorite drink? Pineapple Juice
3. Favorite movie/TV show? August Rush
4. Favorite song/artist? Jack Johnson
5. Favorite sports team? Milwaukee Brewers
6. Favorite athlete? Ryan Braun
7. Favorite sports memory? Running at the Badger State games
8. Who’s in your family? - Mom, Dad, & Golden Retiever: Sunshine
9. What do you like most about playing high school sports? Being with the other team members
10. What are your future goals? College

Cross Country 2009 - Girls
Many people think about cross country as a bunch of people getting together and going for a run. It's true, we do run, but we do much more than that. Our weeks usually consist of a "tempo distance run", where we go on a longer, but faster run. One night we have intervals (our hard nights), which truly takes a lot of mental toughness to get through. On Wednesdays we swin. We do a workout in the pool to kind of rest, but still work out after our hard nights. One night we put ourselves through pain, by choice, and run hard in a cross country meet. The other night during our week, we usually have a "loosening" night where we go on an easy run. Twise a week we also lift weights and do abs every night. For those of us on the girls team, we do have fun while working hard.

Courtesy of Hannah Dvorak
Cross Country 2009 - Boys
If you have ever been around cross country runners, it is not uncommon to hear them talk abouth the practice they just got done with or the practice they are not looking forward to. Our practice schedule is all organized and prepares us for the days we have races. We do this by having days where we run long distances. The long distance days consist of everyone going for a run that is usuall about 45-60 minutes long. Along with distance days, we have pool workouts one day a week to get off our legs, but still keep our heart rate up. Then there is practice that is known as intervals, which you can ocassionally hear screams and scary background music playing along with hearing the word. Intervals can be run on the track or out on the south field, in which we repeatedly run distances such as 400 or 800 meters where we try to hit a set time. We have two interval days a week which are seperated by the names of Kenyan 1 and Kenyan 2. These are the main workouts that we do on a weekly basis.

Intervals do not seem that hard but I will give youo the scenario that we dealt with yesterday (9-28-2009). After school, I walk outside to get ready for practice. When i get out there, I find that it's freezing cold, gusting winds, and of course it's raining out. So we start our practice out on the track running 400s in this weather. As we are running, we are seeing other teams start going back inside because they aren't tough enough to deal with this weather, not naming any specific team...*coughing "Cheerleaders"*...The best thing about his weather and the team running in it, is that most people weould dread this whole practice. Instead, the cross country team is saying it's the most fun practice yet...And then we would wonder why people think cross country runners are weird...

On an update for the boys, we have continued with strong finishes. On September 14, we hosted the Tri-County invite at skyline golf course in which we took first place. We followed that first place by doing the same thing at the following meet at Cadott's invite at Whispering Pines golf course on September 22.

Courtesy of Jordan Nortman

Monday, September 28, 2009

Coulee Conference Scores Update

West Salem lost in BRF, 28-17
GET won in Westby, 35-0
Arcadia won in Viroqua, 27-8

Coulee Conference Standings Update

T1. Black River Falls Tigers(5-0, 1-0)
T1. Arcadia Raiders (5-0, 1-0)
T1. GET Redmen (4-1, 1-0)
T2. Viroqua Blackhawks (3-2, 0-1)
T2. Westby Norsemen (3-2, 0-1)
T2. West Salem Panthers (2-3, 0-1)

BRF is ranked #7 in Division 3
GET is ranked #10 in Division 4
Arcadia is ranked #8 in Divison 5